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Elul Day 17

Writer's picture: MDIMDI

Elul 17 Seize His mercy each day!

We are halfway through the month and (if you are reflecting each day on things you can confess and repent of) you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the areas God has pointed out.   I want to encourage you to stay true to the process for a month...and I want to remind you that it is GOD that fights our battles!!!

Self-reflection brings us to a point of awareness but no matter how hard we try in our own strength we will never be able to fix our sin. Our job is to be aware and ask God to give us perspective and revelation to see things differently.  We simply acknowledge that we are “missing the mark” and ask God for help. He usually gives us opportunities to do what we now realize is “the Godly choice.” 

We need to keep in the forefront of our mind that change is a process and we need to be patient with ourselves as we begin to come into the full realization of how sin has stolen from us and our close friends/family. Sin is never done in affects all those around us in subtle ways.

This process should make us increasingly grateful that we serve a God of mercy!!! As I see the depth and breadth of my sins, I am so thankful that God sent the Holy Spirit to come alongside me and nudge and convict me.  I want a closer walk with Jesus but change is hard and I need guidance and help to accomplish it.  I can accomplish nothing on my own...I am totally reliant on God.

When we feel shame and condemnation as we are convicted, we know that those feelings are NOT from God and we must take those thoughts captive and realize God is our LOVING Father.  He is on our side. He desperately wants us to succeed.  He is cheering us on. His heart is 100% for us and for our victory over sin.  

God wants us to have a closer walk with Him.  Jesus died so that we can have victory over sin...He came to set us that we would be free indeed.  Rejoice and be thankful each time you recognize an area to be aware of...relax---let the Lord fight the battle and direct your steps...your job is to take the next right step. 

The more we are forgiven of, the more grateful are!!! The more grateful we are, the more we want to serve and please Him. So stay encouraged and let your new awareness fuel your choices over the coming days. All things are possible with God...He’s got this! I can’t wait to hear your testimony of how God will use this time to increase your faith and trust in Him!

Don’t forget that some things that trip us up are better healed in small groups and fellowships.  There is no shame in humbling yourself and asking for help. There are many groups out there designed to support people as they tackle alcohol, porn, codependency, etc. It’s never too soon to start the process of getting help!!!! Seize the day!


Follow the season of Teshuvah during this Month of Elul with Guest blogger Denise Dee Lytle Gibbs who originally posted these blogs on her Facebook page Fall Feast Prayer Initiative.


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